5 Amazing things your anxiety says about you!

10 Sep, 2021 | Daniel Herrmann | No Comments

5 Amazing things your anxiety says about you!

That’s right, you read the title correctly, while you and most of the world have been thinking about how terrible anxiety is – and it is true that anxiety can cause us immense suffering and interfere significantly with our life – our anxiety actually reveals many incredible things about our core values and provides us with some powerful advantages.

In the TEAM-CBT model that I believe in and practice, our anxiety, as well as any other so called “disorder” that we suffer from actually shows us our most positive and deeply help core beliefs of who we are/ Rather than seeing anxiety as something that is wrong about you, your anxiety actually speaks to all of the things that are most right about you and reveal your most positive and awesome characteristics. In TEAM-CBT therapy, we will take a look at all of these positives that your anxiety demonstrates about you and then typically, you will find that perhaps you don’t need all of that anxiety and will find your anxiety begin melting away. Once that happens, we have over a hundred methods we can use that can dial down your anxiety to the level that you desire.

#1 – Anxiety shows what you care about

While it might be uncomfortable at times, your anxiety shows you what you care most deeply and profoundly about. If you are someone who is constantly worrying about your children or other loved ones and thinking that something terrible might happen to them , well that actually shows just how much you love your children! This would also be true for someone who is obsessively worrying about their health, job or anything else in their lives, the worry and anxiety is a powerful testamnent to what they care most deeply about.

#2 – Anxiety reveals your core values

Imagine someone who is anxious and is constantly worrying that they are not doing a good job at work. While many might say that there is something wrong with this worry, I believe just the opposite, that this worry conveys how much she cares and values doing good work and the high standards that she has for herself, not characteristics we would necessarily want to rid ourselves of!

#3 – Anxiety shows that other peoples opinions matter to us

Many of the individuals that I work with in my practice struggle with what professionals call social anxiety, or put more simply, shyness. These caring, sometimes reserved and quiet people can experience intense anxiety in social situations and often avoid social interactions, dating and at times even leaving their houses. Is there something wrong with them? Quite the opposite – their anxiety demonstrates how much other peoples opinions and feelings matter to them and their deep desire to be viewed in a favorable light.

#4 – Anxiety demonstrates that you are mindful of risk

Your anxiety shows something else that is tremendously important – that you are not blind to the many dangers in life but instead are aware and mindful of risks and take proper precautions. Without our anxiety, we would throw caution to the winds and possibly endanger ourselves or our reputations. Anxiety is something that protects us and keeps us safe.

#5 – Anxiety shows that you are not willing to just let things happen

If I didn’t have any anxiety, I would probably just allow people or life events to take control of me and my destiny. Fortunately, my anxiety drives me to get involved and make things happen, in both my personal and professional worlds. In fact, it is probably your anxiety that brought you to my website and motivated you to think about working with someone on reducing your anxiety and learning how to feel great again. If so, please reach out to schedule a free 15 minute consult to see if we are a good fit to start working together!